CocoonGT: The week after

It has been a week since the CocoonGT2006. Time really flies, but now it’s time for a quick flashback of all the things that happened during those days.

The GT Hackathon started for me on tuesday, since I was tied up at the office with still a lot of work to do before the big day. I was glad to be there for a couple of hours at the hackthon, so I was able to join Jeremy’s talk about CForms and Dojo. I think we both came to the conclusion that Dojo is great and Cocoon should try to embrace Dojo even more, but the question remains: “What’s the best way of integrating Dojo in Cocoon?”. After this interesting talk I had to head back to the Hippo office to finish up some unfinished work.

Wednesday was the big CocoonGT conference day. It started out early at 9am and kicked off with Arje’s opening speech. I’ve seen several interesting talks about LDAP, Daisy, Hippo CMS and a very funy talk from Andrew, but there was one talk which showed something really new and exciting. Simone Gianni was talking about Cocoon blueprint. The demonstration by Simone was very interesting and Blueprint gives you a completely different perspective on building Cocoon websites. I hope he continues working on blueprint and there will be a release soon.

There are some photos available of the GT at Flickr, so be sure to check them out.

Well that’s it for now. If you want to know more about the GT, be sure to attend it next year. There have been rumours going on, that it might be in Rome next year!

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