A pleasant surprise

Coming back from a vacation always means you’ll have to catch up on all your e-mail. Thank god for spam-filters, otherwise I would have gone nuts on all the e-mails. While reading up on my mail, I was pleasantly surprised by this e-mail on the Cocoon developers list. Thanks Andrew! I was totally not expecting this and even Arjé was astonished how speechless I was about it for the rest of the day.

Last year I worked closely with Andrew on several large Cocoon projects. Now that I’m thinking about it I’ve already been using Apache Cocoon for almost 4 years now and still enjoy working with it every day. Time flies I must say.

I’m also very happy to see that Felix is getting the same trust from the Cocoon community as I’m getting. I know Felix through Cocoon and Hippo CMS and we met last year for a couple of minutes in one of the restaurants at the Cocoon GT. Felix has been putting a lot of effort into Cocoon 2.2 lately, so I think he really deserves it! Keep up the good work Felix!

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