Besides my work at Hippo I’m quite a fan of Play framework. My first introduction to Play framework was back in 2011 just around the time I was about to attend Devoxx. Because of this I attended a talk at Devoxx by James Ward about Deploying Java & Play Framework Apps to the Cloud. I’ve been following James on Twitter since that day because he was playing around with quite some interesting technologies. Recently I noticed James introduced an interesting project called WebJars.
What are WebJars?
In most Java projects a dependency management system is used like Maven, Ivy or Gradle. Having dependency management setup for server-side dependencies is quite natural, but what about client-side dependencies? This is where WebJars can help out.
WebJars are client-side web libraries packaged into JAR files. This is very useful for maintaining a web application. By using dependency management also for client-side libraries helps you find out easily which version of a dependency is being used in a project. This can be really helpful since not all web libraries have versions in their file names.
Another advantage of using dependency management is that you will get transitive dependencies for free. For instance if you want to use Twitter Bootstrap 2.2.1 as a WebJar you will also get jQuery 1.8.2. That’s really helpful!
So let’s see what we need to do if we want to use WebJars in for instance a Hippo CMS project.
Getting started with Hippo CMS and WebJars.
Let’s first generate a new Hippo project. The following maven command will generate a Hippo CMS 7.7.6 project from the Hippo Archetype.
mvn archetype:generate
Once this is finished you should have a project that looks similar to this:
drwxr-xr-x 11 jreijn staff 374 9 nov 13:47 .
drwxr-xr-x 46 jreijn staff 1564 9 nov 11:30 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 jreijn staff 1677 9 nov 11:30 README.txt
drwxr-xr-x 6 jreijn staff 204 9 nov 13:47 cms
drwxr-xr-x 6 jreijn staff 204 9 nov 11:30 conf
drwxr-xr-x 5 jreijn staff 170 9 nov 13:47 content
-rw-r--r-- 1 jreijn staff 9006 9 nov 11:57 pom.xml
drwxr-xr-x 5 jreijn staff 170 9 nov 13:47 site
drwxr-xr-x 3 jreijn staff 102 9 nov 11:30 src
Before we proceed there is one little catch. To be able to use WebJars within a Hippo project we need to run on a Servlet 3 container. By default the Hippo archetype packages Apache Tomcat 6, but Tomcat 6 supports Servlet 2.5 and not Servlet 3. Tomcat 7 however does support Servlet 3, so with some minimal changes we can run our Hippo project with Tomcat 7 for our local development environment.
The reason why we need a Servlet 3 container is that with any Servlet 3 compatible container anything in a META-INF/resources directory in a JAR file located in the WEB-INF/lib directory is automatically exposed as a static resource.
The Hippo archetype runs with the maven cargo plugin. By default the cargo configuration is handled by the parent pom, which is out of the projects code, but it’s easy to change this by just adding some additional properties in the
Now to be able to use for instance the Twitter Bootstrap WebJar all we need to do is add the following dependency to our site/pom.xml file within the dependencies section.
As I’ve mentioned before jQuery will also be fetched since it’s a transitive dependency of Bootstrap. Now if we want to use it all we need to do is change for instance the webpage.jsp that gets bundled with the default archetype. So all we need to do is insert the following snippet:
<hst:link var="bootstrapCssLink" path="/webjars/bootstrap/2.2.1/css/bootstrap.min.css"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="${bootstrapCssLink}" type="text/css"/>
And that’s it. Now let’s package our project and start the Hippo CMS instance:
$ mvn clean package && mvn
Now all we need to do is open up a browser and point it to the website: http://localhost:8080/site/ and you should see the Bootstrap CSS theme kicking in.
Of course Bootstrap and jQuery are not the only available frameworks. The WebJars website already counts about 40 different WebJars. For more information and documentation make sure to check out the official WebJars website.