Docker. Who hasn’t heard about Docker by now? Docker might be the biggest change in how operations and developers run and develop software. As I’m all for improving my own flow of work, I too took the plunge into the Docker ecosystem.
At work, I’m involved in a project which recently moved entirely to https. During the transition the project moved from Apache httpd as the proxy/web server to Nginx.
Over the last 2-3 years I’ve seen many moments during a project implementation where having an out of the box JCR RESTful API could have helped. Key areas where having such an API were deployment automation and data imports/exports. As a starting point having an API for managing JCR nodes and properties would have been a first step in the right direction. By default Apache Jackrabbit 2.X does not have this out of the box. However Apache Jackrabbit 3.0 (Oak) and current versions of JBoss Modeshape do support this, so in case Hippo CMS switches over to Apache Oak we might need to revise this add-on.
Now that the first two weeks of 2015 have passed it’s time to look back at what wonderful things happened in 2014 and take a look ahead to see what 2015 will bring.
I still remember my early days with Vagrant. I was amazed with how easy it was to create a new virtual machine from scratch. Remember those days when you had to mount an ISO or DVD before installing Linux in a VM? I’m happy that that belongs to the past now.