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Accelerating the AWS Journey: (Open Source) Tools for getting teams up to speedAWS Summit Amsterdam2024Slides
Azure vs AWS: Battle of the CloudsDutch Azure Meetup2024Meetup
Lessons Learned from Running Serverless Java Workloads in AWS LambdaApeldoorn JUG Meetup2024Meetup
Accelerating Your AWS Journey: Open Source Tools for getting teams up to speedAWS Community Day NL2023Slides
Wat is een Technisch geweten bij Luminis (in Dutch)Luminis Tech Talks2023Podcast
Ten things that improve the performance of your Java based AWS Lambda functionsJFall2022Slides, Video
Cloud Engineering panel discussion - Club Cloud 2021Cloud Cloud2021Video
What’s a Service Mesh and why do I need one?JFall2019Slides, Video
What a Service Mesh can do for your Microservices architectureDevCon2019Video
Test Driven Documentation for your REST(ful) serviceDevCon2018Slides, Video
Hoe releasen minder pijnlijk werd bij ANWB AlarmcentraleDevCon2017Slides, Video (Dutch)
Continuous Delivery in a Content centric worldHippo.Connect Amsterdam, Boston2015Slides, Video
Hippo CMS Integration PatternsHippo GetTogether2014Slides, Video
Real-time visitor analysis with Couchbase and ElastichsearchNoSQL Matters Barcelona2013Slides, Video
Shootout! Template engines for the JVMJ-Fall2013Slides
Building a relevance platform with Couchbase and ElasticsearchGOTO Amsterdam2013Slides
Basic web application development with Apache Cocoon 2.1ApacheCon EU2007Slides

For more talks, visit my Speakerdeck page.

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