Jeroen Reijn
This year's posts
06th December
AWS re:Invent 2024 Day 4
05th December
AWS re:Invent 2024 Day 3
04th December
AWS re:Invent 2024 Day 2
03th December
AWS re:Invent 2024 Day 1
02th September
My Journey with AWS CDK and Java: What You Need to Know
06th February
Analyze and debug Quarkus based AWS Lambda functions with X-Ray
22th January
The Evolution of the AWS Community Builders Blogs Twitter Bot Architecture
03th July
Develop and Test your Github Actions workflow locally with "act"
12th April
Improve AWS security and compliance with cdk-nag
05th April
Lessons learned from picking a Java driver for Amazon ElastiCache for Redis - Part 2
02th February
Lessons learned from picking a Java based driver for Amazon ElastiCache for Redis - Part 1
17th July
Invoking an AWS Lambda function during CDK deployment
11th July
AWS Lambda Provisioned Concurrency AutoScaling configuration with AWS CDK
16th May
Creating a simple API stub with API Gateway and S3
26th August
Deploying Spring Boot applications to AWS App Runner with AWS CodePipeline
12th August
A first impression of AWS App Runner
03th December
Useful tools for local development with AWS services
02th December
Heap dump with lots of 'Unresolved Name' objects
29th November
Migrating a Spring Boot service from Java 11 to Kotlin
02th January
Looking back at 2018
28th October
Monitoring Spring Boot applications with Prometheus and Grafana
05th July
Book review - Clean Architecture: A Craftsman's Guide to Software Structure and Design
06th June
Looking back on AWS Summit Benelux 2018
09th May
Test-Driven Documentation for your RESTful service
03th January
Looking back at 2017
08th October
Running Cucumber from the command-line
10th May
Fixing the long startup time of my Java application running on macOS Sierra
08th March
How I stay up to date as a software engineer
07th February
Looking back at 2015
15th September
Testing session replication with Docker, Spring Session and Redis
16th June
Migrating From Apache to Nginx and proxying cookie paths
26th February
A RESTful API for the Hippo CMS content repository
11th January
Looking back at 2014
11th November
Vagrant, provisioning and Puppet
05th August
Speeding up your Hippo CMS development with Spring Loaded
12th June
Great SaaS products for your Open Source project
04th June
Continuous Integration at Hippo
11th March
Looking back at 2013
19th February
Using Markdown with the Maven site plugin
05th September
The mystery of the Bootstrap application
22th July
Real-time visitor analysis with Couchbase, Elasticsearch and Kibana
19th February
Hippo Fridays @ Hippo
22th January
Get involved with the Hippo CMS Community!
03th December
dotJS: a 'not' so JS conference?
13th November
Hippo CMS, Servlet 3 and WebJars
07th May
Introducing the Hippo CMS Groovy add-on
12th December
Make your date range queries in Jackrabbit go faster!
09th October
Get in control with Spring Insight!
04th August
Replacing the MacBookPro mid 2009 HDD part 2
31th July
Getting started with MongoDB and Spring Data
26th June
MacBook Pro: Replacing the internal HDD
27th March
Simple XML processing with Apache Cocoon 3
16th February
HIPPOs RESTful JAX-RS Component Support and Spring Android
09th February
Working with Android Layouts and ListViews
10th January
Tip of the day: sharing information between HST components
22th October
Getting started with Vaadin
21th October
Unit testing your HST2 components with EasyMock
06th October
Large heap dump analysis with Eclipse Memory Analyzer
10th June
An introduction to Hippo CMS 7 updater modules
24th May
Giving Hippo CMS 7 some WebDAV support
05th April
Metadata extraction with Apache Tika
04th February
Jboss ModeShape: A federating JCR repository
30th January
Creating an IntelliJ launcher on Ubuntu 9.10
17th December
Content mangement and the semantic web
15th September
Apache Cocoon and Javascript minification
07th August
Japanese and Java resource bundles
10th June
JCR: Sorting on child node properties
25th May
Mozilla lightning in Ubuntu Jaunty
30th April
Eclipse plugins
30th March
Apache Camel: open source integration framework
24th March
Attended the Maven and Lucene Meetup
22th March
Using Daemon modules with Hippo CMS 7
22th March
This week: ApacheCon Europe 2009
16th February
Using Apache Commons FileUpload
13th December
Watch out! Hippo ECM is coming!
11th November
Lightning 0.9 and Thunderbird
09th October
5 years at Hippo and 5 years of open source
09th August
The Hippo Site Toolkit (HST)
10th April
ApacheCon Europe 2008 Day 1
20th March
Hippo is expanding its borders
15th January
Looking back at 2007
06th December
25th October
Updating Ubuntu to 7.10
24th October
Hippo in the US of A
23th October
Cocoon GT 2007 Day 2+3
04th October
Cocoon GT 2007 Day 1
21th September
Hippos on a plane
19th September
Cocoon GT 2007 update
17th September
Cocoon GT 2007
12th September
Hippo CMS in Italian
16th August
Conferences coming up
05th July
Hippo CMS on
01th June
Combining Cocoon and Solr
07th May
Looking back at the ApacheCon EU 2007
25th March
It's official
21th March
Busy times
07th March
A pleasant surprise
06th March
Back from Barcelona
30th January
ApacheCon EU 2007
13th January
ApacheCon Europe 2007 proposal
02th January
Happy New Year
27th December
5 things you don't know about me
24th October
Batik and markers
17th October
Batik and imagemaps
12th October
CocoonGT: The week after
04th October
Running AIGLX on my Latitude D610
20th September
Internet Explorer on Ubuntu
07th September
Cocoon GT edition 5 is coming up
28th July
Google launches Subversion driven open source project hosting service
11th July
Javascript debugging in Internet Explorer
07th July
Debugging the Hippo CMS GUI framework
06th July
Configurable cocoon.createObject()
01th July
ApacheCon Europe 2006 part 2
01th June
Attending ApacheCon Europe 2006
24th April
Performance boosting your Cocoon web application
11th April
XHTML versus your browser